E-signum is a secure web application designed to facilitate the stamping and numbering of exhibits for communication to third parties (lawyers, courts, etc.). It mainly allows its users to:
- Customize and generate a digital stamp based on the model of a lawyer’s stamp,
- Upload documents and organize them via a simple interface,
- Automatically affix the stamp generated beforehand and the numbering to these documents,
- Download all thus modified documents (the exhibits) as a single PDF file with each exhibit identified by a bookmark, or as a an exhibit by PDF file, as well as a list of the exhibits.
The e-signum application allows users to prepare communications of exhibits in compliance with the provisions of:
- Article 5.5 of the l’article 5.5 National Rules of Procedure of the legal profession (“RIN”) which provides that the exhibits must be “numbered, bear the lawyer’s stamp and be accompanied by a list of the exhibits, dated and signed by the lawyer“,
- Article R. 414-3of the Code of Administrative Justice (“CJA”) in its version resulting from decree no. 2019-82 of February 7, 2019 applicable until December 31, 2020, which provides that, on penalty of inadmissibility of the motion, the exhibits attached thereto must, if they are transmitted in the form of a single file, each be “listed by a bookmark designating it in accordance with the inventory” drawn up of them,
- Article R. 414-5 of the Code of administrative justice in its version resulting from decree no. 2020-1245 of October 9, 2020 coming into force on January 1, 2021, which provides that “the claimant shall transmit each exhibit in a separate file, on penalty of inadmissibility of the motion“, it being specified that each of these files must “bear a title beginning with the serial number assigned to the exhibits it contains by the list of the exhibits“.
We work with legal professionals in order to ensure the continued compliance of the e-signum application vis-a-vis changes to the legal, regulatory and ethical rules governing the communication of exhibits, as well as vis-a-vis the tools and practices of French jurisdictions and lawyers in this field.
Yes, it is possible to use e-signum to prepare exhibits for the French civil courts.
The exhibits and the list of the exhibits generated by e-signum can be communicated via the “Réseau Privé Virtuel des Avocats” (RPVA – the French virtual private network for lawyers). We only draw your attention to the fact that, in accordance with the provisions of article 5.5 of the National Internal Regulations of the legal profession (“RIN”), the list of the exhibits must be dated and signed by the lawyer after being downloaded in order to be validly communicated.
Furthermore, we remind you that the RPVA limits the volume of files that can be transmitted to 4 MB for a transmission to a court (10 MB for a transmission made only to another lawyer).
Yes, it is possible to use e-signum to communicate exhibits to French administrative courts.
The exhibits and the list of the exhibits generated by e-signum can be communicated via the Télérecours and the Télérecours citoyens services.
More specifically, e-signum manages bookmarks, in accordance with the provisions of article R. 414-3 of Administrative Justice Code (“CJA”) in its version resulting from decree no. 2019-82 of February 7, 2019 applicable until December 31, 2020. E-signum also allows to download each exhibit in a separate PDF file, in accordance with the provisions of article R. 414-5 of the Code of administrative justice in its version resulting from decree no. 2020-1245 of October 9, 2020 coming into force on January 1, 2021.
In addition, we remind you that the Télérecours service limits the volume of files that may be transmitted to 32 MB.
PDF files containing all stamped and numbered exhibits can be printed on both sides from the device on which they are downloaded.
To prevent two different exhibits from being printed on the same sheet, e-signum includes a pre-publishing tool.
This tool allows you to upload a file containing several exhibits. The double-sided printing of this file is then optimized by inserting a blank page before each exhibit starting on an even page. The file optimized for printing can then be downloaded on your device and be printed from it.
The proper functioning of the pre-publishing process requires that the first page of each exhibit is identified by a bookmark (which is of course the case for the case files generated by e-signum).
Access to pre-publication is free of charge and unlimited to all users who have created an account, whether they have the trial version or have subscribed to individual offers or a Premium subscription.
The file formats compatible with the e-signum application are the following:
- PDF,
- PDF/A,
- JPG or JPEG,
- PNG.
To be processed by the application, the files must not be protected against modification or by a password.
E-signum is a web application accessible from an up-to-date browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Safari) with a device that has internet access (computer, tablet, phone, etc.).
E-signum does not require the installation of any other software or applications.
Yes, there is a trial version of e-signum accessible by creating a free user account.
It allows you:
- To use the double-sided printing optimization tool,
- To create a stamp and download it (with watermark),
- To create, at most, 2 case files (with stamping without watermark and numbering of the exhibits).
If you wish to exceed these limitations and/or download a stamp without watermark, we invite you to upgrade to a Premium subscription or to the “pay-as-you-use” offers.
The Premium subscription (“Individual” or “Firm” licence) is non-binding.
It is valid for 30-day periods from the first day of the subscription, renewable by tacit agreement.
If the application is not used during one of these 30-day periods, the monthly Premium subscription fee is not due.
The premium subscription can be cancelled at any time. To do so, simply access to your user profile in the application, and click on the button in the “Account Management” section.
The premium subscription includes two licences:
- The “Individual” licence, which costs 9.90 euros excl. VAT per month of use, i.e. 11.88 euros incl. VAT,
- The “Firm” licence, which costs 19.90 euros excl. VAT per month of use, i.e. 23.88 incl. VAT.
The Premium subscription is valid for 30-day periods starting from the first day of the subscription, renewable by tacit agreement. If the application is not used during one of these 30-day periods, the monthly Premium subscription fee is not due.
No. The Premium subscription (“Individual” or “Firm” licence) is valid for 30-day periods starting from the first day of the subscription, renewable by tacit agreement. If the application is not used during one of these 30-day periods, the monthly Premium subscription fee is not due.
The free trial version available to any user with an account allows to create a stamp and download it with a watermark.
In order to download a stamp without a watermark, users who have created an account can:
- Buy 1 stamp with the “pay-as-you-use” offers,
- Upgrade to a Premium subscription (“Individual” or “Firm” licence, which allows to download the stamp without watermark.
As it stands, the e-signum application accepts automatically only credit card payments.
For other means of payment, we invite you to write to us using the contact form accessible via our home page or by sending us an email at contact@e-signum.fr.
When upgrading for the first time to the “Individual” licence, the stamp associated with the user’s account can be modified once. An additional modification can be acquired during the licence period by subscribing to the “1 stamp” pay-as-you-use offer.
The “Firm” licence allows to manage a library of stamps. When upgrading to the “Firm” licence, the library includes two stamps. This number can be increased by the user, without exceeding 20, by subscribing to the “1 stamp” pay-as-you-use offer.
You can go beyond the limitations of the free trial version, without subscribing to a Premium subscription, with our “pay-as-you-use” offers.
These offers allow you to generate:
- 1 case file for 0.99 euros excl. VAT,
- 5 case files, for 3.99 euros excl. VAT,
- 1 stamp (without watermark) for 2.99 euros excl. VAT.
Yes, the “Firm” licence can be shared between several people attached to the same practice structure.
This licence also allows to manage a library of stamps that the user can select when stamping his/her exhibits.
Invoices related to each debit for the Premium subscription or for the “pay-as-you-use” offers are available on your user area. These invoices show the price and the VAT.
Uploaded documents are stored on e-signum’s servers in temporary files for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours after execution of the application’s script (necessary for the scheduling, stamping, numbering and merging of documents by the Application). The documents are then permanently deleted.
Your stamped exhibits and the related list are encrypted on request and accessible only by the user. They are stored on e-signum’s servers until they are downloaded by the user and for a maximum of 10 minutes after the execution of the application script. The exhibits and the draft list are then permanently deleted.
We use OVH for our servers. They are based in France.
No. In order to best ensure the perfect confidentiality of your exhibits, we have made this feature impossible. A user can therefore only download once the exhibits and the list of these exhibits that he or she has generated with e-signum.
We have added an additional protection: you must download your exhibits and/or the draft list of the exhibits within 10 minutes. Otherwise, these files will be permanently deleted.
By contrast, for a maximum of 24 hours from the date on which a case file was generated, you will be able to access and modify the files it contains, without having to upload your exhibits again.
Your exhibits being then definitively deleted, you will have to restart the stamping process. But don’t worry: thanks to e-signum, this operation will only take a few moments!
The e-signum application only keeps the following data for each account on its servers:
- First and last names entered by the user,
- The e-mail address provided by the user,
- The password entered by the user (encrypted in accordance with the latest security standards),
- The different user-generated stamps (in image format) and the text on the last user-generated stamp,
- Statistical data on the number of changes made to the stamp, case files created and pages stamped,
- The dates and times of registration, of each modification made to the stamp and of each case file created by the user,
- the options saved by default by the user,
- the uploaded documents, as well as the options selected when they were uploaded by the user, for a period of no more than twenty-four (24) hours from the creation or, where applicable, modification of the related case file.
In addition, our partner Stripe keeps the user’s bank details and related invoices if the user has subscribed to a Premium subscription and/or one or more “pay-as-you-use” offers.
At any time, the user has access to all the data related to his/her account from its home page. The user can also request communication of these data by e-mail at rgpd@e-signum.fr or by using the contact form accessible via our home page.
In the event of deletion of an account, all the data referred to above is permanently deleted, with the sole exception of invoices. In accordance with the law, these invoices are kept by Stripe for a period of 10 years from the end of the fiscal year during which they were issued.
You can write using the contact form accessible on the application home page, by sending us an email at contact@e-signum.fr or by contacting us with the chat.