Dear users,
New rules on the communication of exhibits to the administrative courts come into force on January 1, 2021.
The e-signum application has been updated to ensure that your communications comply with these new rules without losing any of its functionalities and customization possibilities. On this occasion, the presentation of the case file management tool options has also been improved to be even clearer.
1. Generate one file per exhibit (decree no. 2020-1245)
Pursuant to the provisions of Article R. 411-5 of the Code of Administrative Justice, in its redaction resulting from decree no. 2020-1245 of October 9, 2020, applicable as of January 1, 2021, users of Télérecours and Télérecours citoyens must transmit “each exhibit in a separate file, failing which [their] request will be inadmissible“. Each exhibit must bear “a title describing its contents in a sufficiently explicit manner” and “beginning with the serial number assigned to the exhibit it contains by the list of exhibits“. Télérecours users will therefore no longer be able to communicate their exhibits via a single file identifying each exhibit by a bookmark.
As a result, e-signum’s case file management tool has been updated. In accordance with the above-mentioned provisions, it now allows users to download each of the exhibits in a separate PDF file.
Of course, e-signum always ensures compliance with the documentation posted on the Télérecours website, which was not modified when decree n° 2020-1245 was published. Thus, and in accordance with this documentation, e-signum allows the titles of each exhibit to be preceded by the words “PJX_” (with X as exhibit number, e.g. PJ1_), automatically reduces the exhibit titles so that they do not exceed 80 characters and replaces by authorized characters those that are not accepted by Télérecours: letters accompanied by a diacritic (accent, umlaut or cedilla), periods (” .”) as well as certain special characters (“%”, “/”, “&”, etc.), with the exception of short dashes ” – ” and underscore ” _ “).
2. Merging of exhibits on option
Optionally, each user can always choose to merge all of their stamped exhibits into a single PDF file. A bookmark is then automatically placed on the first page of each exhibit, allowing quick reference to each exhibit via a digital summary.
This PDF file containing all the exhibits can be communicated to the judicial courts which, unlike administrative courts, do not require each document to be communicated in a separate file.
3. Improvement of the interface
In order to ensure an ever simpler access and use, the interface of the case file management tool has been improved.
From now on :
- Tooltips specify the content of certain options and which options (selected by default) are mandatory to produce exhibits that comply with Télérecours specifications,
- Advanced options are organized by categories (stamp, numbering, bookmarks, file) for faster identification.
We thank you for your fidelity.
Rest assured that we are continuing to develop e-signum and to ensure regulation monitoring in order to provide you with the best possible support.
See you soon,
The e-signum team
Corentin, Franck and Rémi