

1. Preview and adjust location of the stamp on each exhibit

On the exhibits stamping tool, it is now possible to preview the first page of each exhibit and to place the stamp precisely on it.

To do this, click on the icon of the exhibit you wish to preview.

The first page of this exhibit will then appear on your screen with your stamp. You can drag and drop the stamp by selecting it with a long click.

Your files remain only on the device through which you use e-signum and are only transmitted to our servers once you click on the “Send” button. The files are then stored for the sole duration of the script execution, for a maximum of 10 minutes, until your stamped and numbered exhibits are downloaded.

2. Stamping of the first page of each exhibit

In the additional options of the exhibits stamping tool, it is now possible, at the user’s option, to stamp only the first page of each exhibit.

3. Save your options as default settings

The options selected by default when launching the Part Stamping Tool can now be changed. To do this, once you have selected your preferred options on this tool, click on “Save the options”.


1. Optimization of the exhibits stamping tool

The following improvements have been made:

  • on the incremeting of the exhibits numbering (modifiable by clicking on the arrows that appear when the mouse pointer hovers over the number assigned to an exhibit), it is now possible to maintain the click continuously to increase or decrease the numbering. The numbers of the other exhibits and, as of the update, of the subgroups are modified accordingly,
  • exhibits with diacritcs (accents, umlauts, etc.) are now supported when the stamping tool is used on MacOS and not only when it is used on Windows,
  • it is no longer necessary to use the scroll bar of the browser window to browse a long list of files: when approaching the bottom or top edge of the list, scrolling is now automatic.

2. A new tutorial for stamping exhibits

This tutorial is automatically suggested to the first users of the exhibits stamping tool.

It remains accessible at any time by clicking on the link ? Help to use the tool.

3. New tool: stamping exhibits in a single file (beta test)

A new tool is available via your account: “single file stamping”. It is a tool that allows you to stamp the different exhibits included in the same PDF file.

The numbering of the exhibits is automatic if they are identified by a bookmark, but it is also possible to manually indicate the position of each exhibit.

This tool is currently available for testing (beta test) and will be deployed in a final version soon. Please feel free to send us your comments in the meantime.


Stamps library

A stamp library is available by subscribing to the “Firm” licence (€19.90 excl. VAT/month of use). This licence comes with 2 free stamps and has the same advantages as the former premium offer (see below). The choice of the stamp to be applied is made in one click from the exhibits stamping tool.

Remodelling of the premium offer (now “Individual” licence)

The former premium offer is renamed the “Individual” licence and keeps its features, with the exception of the renewal of stamp modification credits which is progressively eliminated. Thus, users remaining on the “Individual” licence will keep their current stamp modification credits, but this credit will only be renewed one last time when their subscription expires. One stamp modification is still offered with the first upgrade to the “Individual” licence and can still be purchased during the licence period via the “1 stamp” pay-as-you-use offer.

It is possible to switch from one licence to another by accessing your profile under “Subscription Information“. Subscribers who have created several stamps before the update and who subscribe to the “Firm” licence will see all their creations kept and automatically available in their library.

Exhibits stamping tool

Automatic sorting

The “magic button” allows to automatically sort the exhibits uploaded by the user by attaching them, if necessary, in the corresponding subgroups.

In order for the automatic sorting to work, the name of each uploaded file must include a number and then, separated from the “_” character (usually called underscore), the desired title for the exhibit.

Examples for exhibit no 1:

  • 1_Title of the exhibit
  • 01_Title of the exhibit

If the file is to be attached to a particular subgroup, it must include a double numbering: that of the subgroup and then, as a separator, the character “. (dot) or a “-” (dash), that of the part and, lastly, separated once again by the character “_”, the desired title for the exhibit, i.e. :

Examples for exhibit no 2.1:

  • 2-1_Title of the exhibit
  • 02.1_Title of the exhibit

In both cases, the numbering can, if the user wishes, be preceded by a prefix in letters and without special characters such as “PJ” (prefix whose use is requested by the Télérecours website documentation).


  • PJ1_Title of the exhibit
  • PJ2_Title of the exhibit

New options

New options habe been added to the exhibits stamping tool:

  • Possibility of not proceeding with the automatic formatting of exhibits titles as requested by Télérecours (deletion of diacritics, certain special characters, etc.),
  • Possibility of not numbering the exhibits, in order to proceed to a “blank” stamping with the sole stamp.

Interface improvements

The interface of the exhibits stamping tool has been improved:

  • Moving subgroups is now possible by simple drag and drop,
  • Exhibits numbering is more intuitive.

Dynamic stamp

The stamp creation tool has been improved with a new option allowing to choose the colour of the stamp and the text.

The design of the tool has also been modified to better guide the user through the stamp creation process.

Help center and chat

In order to allow our team to be even more reactive and adapted to your needs:

  • Our help documentation has been reworked, completed and transferred to a new platform,
  • The chat has also been updated and is now directly related to this platform.


Dynamic stamp creation

When modifying the stamp, it is now possible to preview the changes before confirming them.

Further customisation features have also been added, such as the creation of rectangular and square stamps, as well as the ability to change the shape and thickness of the stamp outline.

The new dynamic stamp tool is still in trial version and the previous stamp tool remains available.

Case files management

  • Exhibits numbers can now be incremented by long clicking on the numbering arrow,
  • Renumbering an exhibit no longer leads to its automatic movement in the list of exhibits.


The months during which the e-signum application is not used are free of charge. Until now, the premium subscription fee was charged from the day of subscription and at the beginning of each new 30-day period. At the end of any period in which the application was not used, the subscription fee was refunded.

In order to improve the visibility of our billing, payment is now made only after the months of use.

For subscribers who have already taken out a premium subscription at the date of this update, the scheme is being progressively implemented.

More specifically:

  • on the day before their next monthly due date, premium subscribers will receive an invoice for €0.00 confirming the switch to the new billing system,
  • at each subsequent monthly due date, the premium subscription amount will be invoiced only if the e-signum application has been used since the previous due date,
  • data on the consumption of the e-signum application will be included on each invoice.

Thus, it will no longer be necessary to “advance” the amount of the premium subscription for the current month. Billing for the months of use of the application only will remain guaranteed, without any refund.


  • both the amount of the premium subscription (€9.90 excl. VAT) and the terms and conditions for cancelling it (via your profile > manage my subscription) remain unchanged,
  • upon request to our support team, the monthly due date of the premium subscription can be changed (for example, to the 1st day of each month).


Generate one file per exhibit (decree no. 2020-1245)

Pursuant to the provisions of Article R. 411-5 of the Code of Administrative Justice, in its redaction resulting from decree no. 2020-1245 of October 9, 2020, applicable as of January 1, 2021, users of Télérecours and Télérecours citoyens must transmit “each exhibit in a separate file, failing which [their] request will be inadmissible“. Each exhibit must bear “a title describing its contents in a sufficiently explicit manner” and “beginning with the serial number assigned to the exhibit it contains by the list of exhibits“. Télérecours users will therefore no longer be able to communicate their exhibits via a single file identifying each exhibit by a bookmark.

As a result, e-signum’s case file management tool has been updated. In accordance with the above-mentioned provisions, it now allows users to download each of the exhibits in a separate PDF file.

Merging of exhibits on option

Optionally, each user can always choose to merge all of their stamped exhibits into a single PDF file. A bookmark is then automatically placed on the first page of each exhibit, allowing quick reference to each exhibit via a digital summary.

This PDF file containing all the exhibits can be communicated to the judicial courts which, unlike administrative courts, do not require each document to be communicated in a separate file.

Improvement of the interface

In order to ensure an ever simpler access and use, the interface of the case file management tool has been improved.

From now on :

  • Tooltips specify the content of certain options and which options (selected by default) are mandatory to produce exhibits that comply with Télérecours specifications,
  • Advanced options are organized by categories (stamp, numbering, bookmarks, file) for faster identification.


Modification of the interface
The interface for merging exhibits/case file management was redesigned to make your work even easier. Multiple options have been grouped together in the same menu. The addition of subset(s) is made more readable. Lastly, a “help for use” was added to take full advantage of the application’s features.

Multiple exhibits selection

It is now possible to make mass moves of files. A simple click/move authorizes this multiple selection. It is also possible to select several documents using Ctrl+Click, or to hold the click for a few seconds by delimiting a frame on the different exhibits.